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Ex-RAF pilot gives amazing motivational talk to 1368 cadets, 13 Jan 2025

It's not often that cadets get to hear from a survivor of the Gulf-war who was shot-down in combat, but Monday saw John Peters, co-author of Tornado-down, ex RAF-pilot, give an inspiration talk to cadets not only about his experiences of being shot-down, the power of parental love, but also about life and how it's not about what happens to you, by rather how you respond to what happens to you. The audience was captivated and cadets got to ask questions. A night to remember and also a chance to reflect on some of the realities and, perhaps, surreal aspects of war. John, who runs his own consultancy company Monkey Business, helps businesses with transformational change. Commenting on his visit he said "Your squadron came across impressively: well-motivated, smart and vibrant. The cadets were interested and interesting. Congratulations to you both and all your staff. – it is a joy to see such positivity."

Busy start to year, w/end 12 Jan 25

A return to classification training. Juniors also made use of new Warwick Town Council grant First Aid equipment, also some flight sim set-up to help us deliver blue aviation badge and Principles of Flight (PoF) training. A new stores card-based sign-out system was also put in place, 13 cadets did their road marching training package, and we did some JNCO interviews. That was just the first week of 2025. Phew.

1368 Cadets go Ice Skating, Planet Ice, 18 Dec 2024

38 cadets from 1368 Squadron descended on Planet Ice in Coventry for an end-of-year social night last Wednesday. The infamous 1368 Conga returned. Also a surprise chance to catch up with friends from 29F (Rugby) Squadron who had coincidentally chosen same night for their Christmas social. Higher than normal speeds achieved by Fg Off S. Good fun night. A chance for some to learn something new and for others to put on the latest batch of 1368 apparel we got in last week from Green Frog. 

NCO Panto and end-of-year celebrations, 16 Dec 2024

Well done to all the cadets and NCOs who participated in Monday's end of year fun night at Sqn. CI M/NCO Panto plot: Flight Sgt Cinderella not able to go to AEF because of the nasty (and very ugly) CWOs, finally gets to go thanks to the magic of the friendly Sqn Ldr, but leaves her parade shoe behind. Really impressed with acting, esp. the Chinook crew's northern accents and Flight Sgt R's method acting. All action night featuring the legendary Egg, Sausage Chips and Beans and a lot of dancing. Oh, and cake/chocolate. Cinderella also got locked in the staff toilet because the handle had come off, a new twist on the plot. Great fun night to cap off a great year. 48 cadets attending. 

Operation Gingerbread 2024 Team Building competition, 11 Dec 2024

Last Wednesday saw cadets from 1368 Sqn undertake the team challenge of building and decorating the best Gingerbread train, (while the Cadet NCOs are out of picture writing and learning their upcoming NCO-Panto performance). Some amazing attention to detail and creativity by the winning team. Also great planning and execution.

1368 cadets support Warwick Lion's Christmas parcels community duty, 8 Dec 2024

Well done to all the cadets that supported the Warwick Lion's annual Christmas parcels packing duty.  Many hands make light work. Cadets drew a lot of praise for their due diligence, work ethic, dedication to duty and enthusiasm. Really super-smooth operation this year. Each year, Warwick Lion's collect food donations from the local community, so the duty consists of re-sorting it into bags that are then delivered to families and others in the community that could do with a little more help over the Christmas period. Helping the local community has been a long tradition with 1368 Squadron Air Cadets, and is one of the Squadron's pillars (core activities that make us what we are as a Sqn). The Lion's calculated that just over 1 ton of food (an estimated £3000 in donations) was collected around Warwick to sort into 200 bags. Many thanks to the people of Warwick who donated.

1368 Annual Prize Giving & Enrollment evening, 4 Dec 2024

A bit of catch-up but fantastic night on Wed 4 Dec. Well done to brave new intake and the cadets who put on a great show looking back on their successes in 2024. This annual awards evening is a chance for cadets to reflect on some of their achievements for 2024. The evening was delivered by the cadets themselves hence gave them the opportunity to experience holding the attention of the 120+ audience, fantastic for those using Coaching, Teaching & Leadership > Air Training Corps as their DofE Volunteer section. 1368 Squadron's achievements for 2024 included 1) Winning Wing Athletics 2024 (third year in a row), 2) 3 Junior Leader graduations (unprecedented), 3) 1 Qualified Aerospace Instructor Award graduation, 4) 3rd in Wing competition incl. 3rd Drill/1st Cyber/1st Ensemble, 5) 5 Gold DofE Awards, 6) Wing Best Sqn for DofE Trophy 2023/24 7) Squadron's first ever band performance (3rd in Wing band competition) 8) Having fun. Squadron is consistent year-on-year with number...