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13 cadets go to RIAT for a day trip, 20 Jul 2024

On what's turning out to be an annual coach trip with 2286 Sqn, 13 cadets from 1368 Sqn got to experience chatting to groundcrews/pilots on the massive gird walk that is the Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford. Lot's of low-level fast-jet air displays so plenty of chance to experience the roar and power of low-level fighter jets and areas packed with STEM-displays. Also bumped into Sqn CWO who has been on RIAT camp doing important duties for the long weekend.

Sept 2024 new intake visits and form processing underway

Squadron has been parading 38-40 over the last two weeks despite older cadets aging out. It is a process of continuous renewal though and last few weeks has seen 3-4 visits a week by prospective cadets as we start to formally form places for Sept 0924 intake. Prospective cadet parents are encouraged to submit interest via official website form here so that we can arrange visits: . The process of joining is not selective but involves submitting an interest form, you will then be contacted to arrange a preplanned visit to Sqn for a tour/chat. If you decide to join then it's a case of filling in forms electronically and emailing them back to be added to the new intake list. Places in intake will be allocated based on return of forms, rather than initial interest date. Intakes are roughly aligned to start of new terms. The next intake after Sept 2024 is likely to be 0125 (i.e. January 2025). 

Success for latest cadets to achieve their Instructor cadet lanyards

Well done to Cdt H and Cdt B who became latest to achieve their Instructor cadet lanyards this week with assessments on 15 Jul 2024 with visitor from Wing team assessing their lessons. Also started planning for Bronze expeditions in Sep/Aug, did JNCO interviews, and 3 cadets did Silver DofE exped presentation to finish their DofE Silver. Began switch to Wing Competition day subjects with Radio and Drill training.

Expedition - Gold supplementary practice, 11-13 Jul 2024

July saw a small group 1368 Squadron expedition to N. Wales. It was minimum Gold practice (2n/2d) focused on giving senior and able cadets who've already experienced unescorted 3 day expeditions at Silver level, experience of wild country navigation/mountain terrain plus a bit of history/ideas for expedition purpose for an actual. Excellent nav. skills and fitness shown. 2 mountains in 2 days. In the UK, a mountain is generally defined as a height above 2,000 ft, or more latterly 610 m, is considered necessary to be classified as a mountain – as opposed to a hill – in the British Isles. . A ‘Quality Mountain Day’ for the Mountain Leader should take place in mountainous terrain in the UK or Ireland. All the following criteria should be fulfilled for a QMD for Mountain Leader (Summer) qualification hence they all did QMD days as defined by the Mountain Training qualification organisation: The individual

New promotion to Cadet Sergeant on 10 July 20

Well done to Cpl R who was promoted to rank of Cadet Sergeant on 10 July 2024 as we look to build next generation Senior Cadet NCO (SNCO) team as older cadets age out.  With a strong showing on a recent Wing-organised SNCO course, he has consistently set high standards with his uniform, dress and discipline on the Sqn. He was been an excellent role-model who has earnt the respect of others by being conscientious, displaying strong personal values and embodying the core values of the of Corps. Of course, the work starts here as we look to promote some of our excellent cadets into a Corporal role over the coming weeks and months.

Recent parade nights in pictures (w/end 14/07)

Sqn has been focused on Bronze Cyber with juniors, exam returner's/older cadet leavers night run with marshmallow/spaghetti bridge inter-flight competition and 'fun' NCO-organised 1368 quiz, well done to 6 cadets who got their Blue Leadership badges (finally collected remaining badges from Wing) - sew em on! Also some great dry-runs for upcoming method of instruction assessments for Instructor cadet lanyard.

OC’s Cadet of the month for June 2024

Well done to Cdt E who was cadet of month for June. This time it was decided to award to an older cadet partly in recognition of the value the senior boys brought to the Sqn in the wing Athletics training and competition (they were instrumental in enabling Sqn to retain the best in wing trophy for a 3rd year in a row). Also very impressed and encouraged by Blue Band training and peer learning that happened, resulting in successful blue badge badges for himself and peers, showing that rewards go to those that focus their efforts. OC's cadet of the month is awarded to a cadet who stands out from others, usually by their positive impact on others.