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Gliding at VGS 637, RAF Little Riss., 8 Sep 2024

Pleased to announce that two of our cadets got to fly at VGS (Volunteer Gliding School) 637 at Little Rissington on Sunday 8th September. Many thanks to Flt Lt L for taking them and some great, albeit slightly familiar, Volunteer Gliding School ground crew from strapping them in. Great news.  Air Cadets have two ways in which they can experience flying for real. Either on an Air Experience Flight (AEF) flying RAF Tutor T1 powered aircraft, or at a Volunteer Gliding School (VGS) sponsored by the RAF. It requires a lot of commitment but it's possible also for older cadets can become volunteer staff cadets at a VGS also.  

More blue band badges for 1368 Sqn cadets, 2 Sep 2024

Well done to the 3 cadets that passed their Blue Band Badge assessments on 2 September 2024. "Operation H" was successful! Very impressive. It's amazing what a bit of focus and practice does. Sqn can now start to focus full band wing comp prep as we would like 1368 to enter the full band competition this year for the first time ever. Music is something the Sqn has adopted for the first time over the last 2 years to help expand our training programme to expand our RAFAC progressive syllabus badge earning opportunities. Many thanks to Warwick District Council for help with band equipment.

Early Hatton Bronze DofE photos, 29-30 Aug 2024

First batch of mad Hattoner's 2024 undertook their 2 day actual last week. Strong performances from all to be honest. Almost like we/they know what they're doing. Bodes well for future. Here's a few photos, The ATCs was historically the largest operating authority of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. The scheme is recognised as having a strong overlap with the ethos of the corps and cadet activities. 1368 Sqn has a strong commitment to DofE in its training calendar, principally because expeditions help build friendship, teamwork and leadership (they can challenging but really good fun). It's also really cheap to do it with the Squadron.

Reflections on 1368 successes in 2023-24

Sept marks the beginning of 1368's training year, with new 0924 intake joining and cadets transitioning up a level in terms of classifications and badges. It's also a time when older cadets head off/return from Uni and a significant threshold as we welcome a new batch of prospective cadets into the corps and make them part of the 1368 Sqn fabric. Successes for 2023/24 included: 1368 Sqn cadets won Warwickshire & Birmingham Wing Athletics champions 2022-24 (3rd consecutive year). 1368 Sqn cadets won Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme Wing trophy for 2023-24. We got 5 Gold DofE's last year but also loads of Bronze and Silvers. 1368 Sqn was 2nd, 1st and 4th (depending on recount) in the W&B Wing Field Day last Sept (not bad considering our drill team were mostly newbies). Three senior NCOs from 1368 Sqn achieved Junior Leaders (JL) national course graduations in 2024 (1 is rare, 3 is good in this national 6+ weekend training programme). A senior cadet from 1368 Sqn achieve

Some Aug parade nights in pictures, 27 Aug 2024

Despite cadets going in and out on hols, Sqn has pottered on in August with progression in Wing competition elements like band and banner and some badge successes. Cdt M caught up with classification exams to finish get her Senior badge. Cdt W got her Bronze DofE badge. Cdt F got his Blue Aviation Wings (for his jumper). Juniors switched to expedition planning for Bronze DofE. Last week the cadets did self-led clean-up to add a bit of polish to Sqn building ready for new Sept intake/term.  

STEM night - Virtual Reality-based Learning with RiVR, Wed 15 Aug

Wed night we had a visit by a company from Southam that creates Virtual Reality training called RiVR, so cadets got to experience some of the 3D videos for training organisations such as the emergency services and got up close with a horse with a foal. Very interesting how watching videos in 3D in an immersive way and how this changes the experience. Use of technology in the real world (well, almost real). STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) aligns with the RAF Astra strategy of investing in the future air force.

Sports night, 7 July 2024

Surprisingly less cadets than expected due to hols, but had great fun doing team games nonetheless. OC experienced what it's like coming up against 1368 cadets in sports competitions. Cdt F's bundles of energy bossed the fitness stuff.