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6 of our cadets achieve their Bronze Leadership badges, 25-26 Jan 2025

In addition to 13 on road marching and 2 who went flying, last weekend saw 6 of our 1368 Sqn cadets successfully achieve their Bronze leadership badges on a leadership training weekend, assisted by our two Cadet Warrant Officers. One up from Blue Leadership and previously part of the Wing JNCO course, Bronze L'ship has been spun out so that more get the opportunity.  The two-day course hosted at 2286 Sqn gave them command task-based practical challenges to solve as well knowledge on the theory of leadership, how to communicate well and the importance of 'followship' to team success. Everyone passed! Well done. Leadership and teamwork is a massive part of the air cadet experience. It helps build self-confidence and friendships, something that you can take-away for the rest of your life. 

What are TG Forms and where to get them?

TG Forms is the term we use to refer to Activity-related Parent/Guardian Consent Forms. From a cadet perspective they include: - TG Form 021 : Activity Consent Form – Cadet. - TG Form 023 : Health Declaration Form There is also a TG Form 022: Activity Consent Form - Staff. The best place to find these forms for completion is via the main  landing page. Look for the Useful Resources section.  TG Forms are date-specific consents and require doing for each event where requested. Some parents will download the Word document and complete information that does not change once, and then print/sign with event specific details/dates, although when design this it's important to check the emergency contact details are correct for the period. It's not possible to accept these electronically at the moment, hence a wet signature version is expected, even if the rest of the details are typed in. The TG Form needs to be the latest (current V6.0). They are...

Wing Blue Road Marching, 25 Jan 2025

Super Saturday brought an amazing sunny day with 12 of our 1368 cadets plus 1 CWO attending a road marching blue badge day after we managed to soak up some last minute scratch places from other Sqns. Fantastic to see so many of our mid-group especially engaging with Wing events, an important step in their cadet experience. Special mention to our CWO who, as a Road Marching Team Leader (RMTL), paved their way by identifying and delivering the necessary pre-requisite training. 

2 cadets get to fly in a Tutor T1 at RAF Cosford, 25 Jan 2025

After past trips with no flying, pleased to say that the gap of blue sky and calmer winds after Storm Éowyn led to a bit of a "Super Saturday" for 1368 with success for two of our cadets who flew a Tutor T1 for the first time on 25 Jan. Many thanks to the Air Experience Flight (AEF) 8 at RAF Cosford and the who ever sorted out the weather. Both, who have done simulator flying already, took a significant step to getting their blue aviation badges. During an AEF, cadets get the option to take control of flying the aircraft, experience G-forces, and they can lobby the pilot to do some aerobatic manoeuvres like rolls and loops. The blue aviation badge is awarded by the Wing Aviation officer for those that fly in a Glider or powered-flight AEF for real, together with ground-based training and assessed flying in simulators focused on understanding flight controls, and is sewn on to the cadet's jumper (order will go in to get these, for this lucky two). Many thanks to staff from...

5 cadets achieve Bronze Radio badge, 18-19 Jan 2025

Well done to 5 1368 cadets who achieved their Bronze radio badge last weekend. They are all stars of the waves apparently, quick to pick up things, several with 100% in written assessment which is excellent. The start of another busy year for activities and badges for 1368 Sqn Air Cadets. Bronze radio is part of the Air Cadet's  Progressive Training Syllabus . The syllabus has multiple subjects that transition from Blue => Bronze => Silver => Gold. Blue badges are normally done at Sqn, with Bronze at Wing and Silver at Region or above. Bronze radio badge along with the Instructor cadet lanyard means that cadets can help teach Blue radio on the Squadron, hence it's a useful thing to have plus an opportunity to have the fun and challenge of a weekend being trained with other cadets and staff.

0125 intake underway, 13 Jan 2025

Monday 13th Jan saw the first night for the new intake called 0125 representing 7 prospective cadets on waiting list following Squadron tours.  The Induction training is focused on giving cadets base knowledge to function in the unit ahead of being issued uniforms plus an insight into aspects such as cadet portal, ranks, activities and uniform. Following on from the retention success of our 0924 intake, this training is delivered by FS R, who has continued to develop and enhance the material and who is training up Sgt H and Cpl G to deliver it.  We also have a new Squadron bear.  Squadron continues to have strong numbers. It invites new prospects for visits via email following receipt of interest forms from the RAF Air Cadet website  at arranged times. 

Ex-RAF pilot gives amazing motivational talk to 1368 cadets, 13 Jan 2025

It's not often that cadets get to hear from a survivor of the Gulf-war who was shot-down in combat, but Monday saw John Peters, co-author of Tornado-down, ex RAF-pilot, give an inspiration talk to cadets not only about his experiences of being shot-down, the power of parental love, but also about life and how it's not about what happens to you, by rather how you respond to what happens to you. The audience was captivated and cadets got to ask questions. A night to remember and also a chance to reflect on some of the realities and, perhaps, surreal aspects of war. John, who runs his own consultancy company Monkey Business, helps businesses with transformational change. Commenting on his visit he said "Your squadron came across impressively: well-motivated, smart and vibrant. The cadets were interested and interesting. Congratulations to you both and all your staff. – it is a joy to see such positivity."