Wed 26 Sept - DofE Silver expedition initial kit check and 1st Aid Scenario Cards

As Benjamin Franklin is quoted as saying "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail".

Well done to those that attended last week's initial DofE kit check and emergency situation training for our forthcoming Silver DofE Expeditions. It's clear that the Bronze expedition's earlier this year have really helped to lay a very solid foundation of knowledge and interest. I get a good teamwork and engagement vibe about the whole thing.

I also think the emergency scenarios worked well. If anybody is interested in reviewing their First Aid knowledge, then here's a couple of links to some St. John's Ambulance resources I used. These are specifically created for DofE expedition participants (although bare in mind that sometimes advice on First Aid can change). You can test yourself though, or this may be useful for those that missed the session! (you never know quite what will happen). 


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