Air Cadet Foundation Leadership Blue Badge

We're half-way through our Blue Badge Leadership training. Already seem some amazing examples.

There are 2 parts to the Air Cadet Foundation Leadership Blue Badge, the theory and the practical. 

Theory Part

Open Ultilearn via Cadet Portal or by visiting Complete the Blue Badge Foundation Leadership: SMEAC Briefings course. You may need to register for the course after you have logged in (look in the Progressive Training Syllabus folder).

Follow the instructions within the e-learning course and answer each question carefully. You must score 75% to successfully complete this training. If you get less than this you can delete the course, re-register and try again (see above).

Practical Part

A cadet must undertake at least 2 exercises and pass both. Should a cadet not achieve a pass, they can attempt as many exercises as necessary in order to achieve at least 2 passed exercises. 

There is one common Assessment Sheet for all exercises. A separate sheet should be used for each cadet and each exercise. There are 10 questions, to which there could be 5 different responses, represented by a number 1 to 5. The assessor just needs to circle the appropriate number and total these at the bottom of the sheet. There is a maximum score of 50. A cadet must achieve a minimum score of  30 in order to pass and have nothing in the 1 column.


1. Did the team leader follow “SMEAC” as a briefing tool?

2. Were ALL the limitations mentioned?

3. Was the time limitation mentioned then monitored? 

4. Was there an initial plan? 

5. Did the team leader re-evaluate when things went wrong?

6. Did the rest of the team know what was meant to be happening?

7. Were limitations monitored?

8. Was the leader confident? 

9. If you had just entered the room, would you be able to tell who was in charge? 

10. Was praise/encouragement given when necessary?


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