3 Cadets from 1368 attend Junior NCO course at RAF Cosford

Well done to 3 cadets from 1368 Sqn on stepping up to learn about what it takes to be a Cadet Corporal on the Wings Junior NCO course, 24-27 Feb 2023 at RAF Cosford. This included Bronze Leadership Award consolidation; further experience for selection tests like Gliding or Flying Scholarships they might undertake in the future, plus how to deliver and lead aspects of drill.

A Cadet holding the rank of Corporal can be referred to as a Junior NCO (JNCO), and acts as the liaison between the Cadets and the SNCOs. Promotion to Corporal is made by individual Squadron Commanding Officers, and selection is based purely on merit and leadership potential. Promotion to the rank of Corporal is usually after 2 to 3 years in the Air Cadets, by which point potential Junior NCOs (JNCOs) will be at least a Leading Classification Cadet and showing the maturity and leadership skills to carry out duties such as registering cadets, teaching drill and running the Squadron stores. 


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